Windows Server IoT

Windows IoT Operating System


Windows IoT Operating System

  • Includes advanced security features to protect IoT devices and edge computing systems from threats
  • Offers tools for remote device management, simplifying the control of IoT devices and edge servers
  • Supports containers, including Docker containers, simplifying application deployment and management
  • Seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Azure IoT services for easy connection, management, and data analysis from IoT devices in the cloud
  • Optimized for edge computing, enabling data processing and analysis closer to the source, reducing latency, and improving real-time decision-making in IoT applications



Devis Rapide :

Fixe : (+212) 05-20-19-66-73

Mobile : (+212) 07 66 87 66 04

Fax  : (+212) 05-20-19-66-73

Adresse 1: 410 Bd Zertouni Res.Hamad Appt 01 Casablanca