Windows Embedded Standard

Embedded Operating System


Embedded Operating System

  • Componentized operating system lets you create a custom operating system image to deliver the necessary functionality for the device
  • Provide device users with a unique and powerful branded experience
  • Deliver an immersive, natural, and multitouch user experience
  • Reduce custom development and help secure your device from unintended interactions with advanced lockdown features
  • Run your existing Windows line-of-business applications or create a new experience with Win¬dows apps
  • Improve mobility and access with new power management and wireless technologies
  • Manage the device alongside PCs and servers with Microsoft System Center
  • Improve time to market with new operating system development and customization tools



Devis Rapide :

Fixe : (+212) 05-20-19-66-73

Mobile : (+212) 07 66 87 66 04

Fax  : (+212) 05-20-19-66-73

Adresse 1: 410 Bd Zertouni Res.Hamad Appt 01 Casablanca