
30X auto tracking camera

The future of auto tracking is here!

Create engaging video for streaming, sharing and recording during lectures, demonstrations, video conferences, speeches, and more with the AVer TR530 Professional Auto Tracking and Live Streaming Camera. The TR530 boasts a powerful PTZ camera with 30X optical zoom and a secondary 120° FOV panoramic camera providing users crystal-clear full HD 1080p video resolution without the need of an experienced camera operator. The TR530 supports IP streaming and the ease of integration to other AV tools allow you to create your best productions!



Devis Rapide :

Fixe : (+212) 05-20-19-66-73

Mobile : (+212) 07 66 87 66 04

Fax  : (+212) 05-20-19-66-73

Adresse 1: 410 Bd Zertouni Res.Hamad Appt 01 Casablanca