
Microphone Pompier

The RM-200SF is a Fireman's Microphone of the matrix system. It is equipped with an Emergency key, permitting it to be used as a remote microphone for emergency broadcast. Zone selection and microphone announcement can be made at the time of emergency broadcast. It offers a surveillance function to detect failures including microphone element failure. The RM-200SF has three function keys that can be set as individual or group selection keys, and each key is linked with the corresponding two indicators. Connecting the optional RM-210, RM-320F Extension units to the RM-200SF expands the number of function keys and indicators in blocks of ten.

Microphone Pompier


The RM-200SF is a Fireman's Microphone of the matrix system. It is equipped with an Emergency key, permitting it to be used as a remote microphone for emergency broadcast. Zone selection and microphone announcement can be made at the time of emergency broadcast. It offers a surveillance function to detect failures including microphone element failure. The RM-200SF has three function keys that can be set as individual or group selection keys, and each key is linked with the corresponding two indicators. Connecting the optional RM-210, RM-320F Extension units to the RM-200SF expands the number of function keys and indicators in blocks of ten.

  • Exclusivement pour les émissions d’urgence faite par un officier pompier
  • Pour l’activation manuel du mode d’urgence et d’évacuation
  • CPU Switch commutateur permettant d’activer le mode dégradé sur toutes les zones en cas de défaillance du système.
  • RM-320F extension 20 touches du pupitre pompier


  • Specifications
  • Example d'application
  • Accessoires
  • Texte
  • Téléchargements
Spécifiaction pour le produit:
Source d’alimentation

24 V DC (fonctionnement: 15 – 40 V DC)

Réponse en fréquence

200 Hz - 15 kHz


< 1 %

Rapport S/B

55 dB


Volume control: Microphone, speaker

Unité d’extension


Sortie audio

0 dBV, 600 Ω, symétrique


Microphone dynamique avec AGC




ABS, gris bleu (PANTONE 538 ou équivalent)


1,48 kg

Accessoire (inclus)

EMC clamp x 1, Wall mounting bracket unit x 1, Wall mounting screw x 2, Box mounting screw x 2




Devis Rapide : commercial@maroc-avs.com

Fixe : (+212) 05-20-19-66-73

Mobile : (+212) 07 66 87 66 04

Fax  : (+212) 05-20-19-66-73

Adresse 1: 410 Bd Zertouni Res.Hamad Appt 01 Casablanca