USB Video Conference Camera with 5x Optical Zoom

USB Video Conference Camera with 5x Optical Zoom

The Avonic AV-CM44-VCUC is a high-quality USB video conferencing PTZ camera with IP-control and a discrete design. The CM44-VCUC, with its versatile horizontal FOV of 83.7° and flexible 5x optical zoom range, is suitable for small to medium size meeting rooms. This easy to use USB video conference camera has a plug-and-play design and can easily be controlled with the handheld IR remote. The camera has extremely silent mechanical Pan/Tilt/Zoom and can either be mounted on the wall or the ceiling. Due to the high SNR CMOS sensor in the CM44-VCUC its possible to obtain a pristine video quality even under low light conditions, making it ideal for every conference room. Easily create high-quality video that feels like you are together in the same room.



Devis Rapide :

Fixe : (+212) 05-20-19-66-73

Mobile : (+212) 07 66 87 66 04

Fax  : (+212) 05-20-19-66-73

Adresse 1: 410 Bd Zertouni Res.Hamad Appt 01 Casablanca